Jagadhatri Puja
Road route
Rail route
Air route
Medical facility
French Museum


Places to visit at Chandernagore

Chandernagore Strand : A beautiful tourist spot along the banks of the river Ganges. It is a superbly decorated pavement studded with lights surrounded by lushy green trees. It is about 1 km in length and 7 m in width, and many buildings with historical importance surround the spot. It is very popular visiting spot of the local people and the tourists would love to stroll along enjoying the mild breeze and watching the small boats sail by. Along the strand are present Vivekananda Mandir(a meditation center) and a protruding structure into the river Ganges. This is supposed to be the best decorated bank of the river along its entire legth of 2500 km.

Chandernagore Museum and Institute ( Institute de Chandernagore ): One of the oldest and finest museums of the entire region. It boasts a beautiful collection of French items (e.g cannons used in Anglo - French war, wooden furniture of the 18th century, etc.) which are difficult to find anywhere else in the world. The institute still teaches French through regular classes.

Chandernagore Church : The beautiful church stands over for two centuries to mark the beauty of the architecture during the French period - a good place to visit for th historians and tourists. The remains of the church at St. Louis is also an attractive tourist spot.

The Underground House (Patal Bari) : The building is another beautiful example of the advancement in the knowledge of architecture and the aesthetic sense of the people of those earlier days. Its lowest floor is submerged in the river Ganges. The great social reformer Iswar Chandra VidyaSagar and Nobel laureate Rabindra Nath Tagore stayed in this house during their visits to Chandernagore.

Nandadulal Mandir

Ancient Temples: Nandadulal temple, built in 1740 by IndraNararayan Choudhury presents an excellent example of ancient Indian Sculptures. There are many fascinating temples devoted to Kali, Siva and other deities which show marks of brilliant craftmanship and artistic taste.

Residence of famous personalities : The place hosts a galaxy of famous personalities . The revolutionary leader Rashbehari Bose, Kanailal Dutta and the great social reformer Sri Harihar Seth belonged to the place.

River Ganges

Ntritya Gopal Smriti Mandir : Built by Sri Harihar Seth and donated to the people of Chandernagore. This building still serves as a theatre hall and also as a library.