Surya Kumar Modak Grandsons

The knowledge about Chandannagore is incomplete without the mention of its mouthwatering sweets especially-the 'Jalbhara Sandesh' . 'Jalbhara' literally means - 'filled with water' and it is exactly so. It is a sweet made from chana and sugar which has rose water in its core. It is a marvellous sweet because the water inside it remains as it is for a couple of days without drying.It was first discovered by Late Surya Kumar Modak about 100 years back. Surya Kumar Modak was asked to make some new sweets for the new bridegroom of the local zaminder. He agreed to do it and after several experiments he invented the famous 'Jalbhara Sandesh'. Nobel laureate Rabindra Nath Tagore often visited Chandernagore and he was an ardent admirer of 'Jalbhara'. Many other renowned persons e.g. Mahatma Gandhi, Rashbehari Bose, Shyama Prasad Mukhopadhyay also appreciated the speciality of Chandernagore.Apart from 'Jalbhara' another famous sweet ofChandernagore is 'Motichur' which is also a product of this shop.
Late Sailendra Kumar Modak, the grandson of Surya Kumar Modak, carried on the family business and made it flourish.
His sons Saradindu Modak and Subhendu Modak are the present owners of the shop.
Since 'Jalbhara' can remain intact for a few days, you can have a taste of it by ordering from anywhere in the country. Just call Sradindu Modak at (033)633-6305 or (033)683-9383 and place an order. You can also sent a mail to the Webmaster which will be conveyed to Sri Modak immediately.